Check out the boys and girls in room 2 enjoying Aistear play. Aistear allows the children to explore, communicate, problem solve and work on fine motor skills in an informal, fun, play environment.
Room 2 have been having great fun rocking it out!!! You see to celebrate- heavy metal band Metalica playing at Slane Castle, we decided to sing one of their well know songs 'Nothing Else Matters. Their were air guitars a plenty! check out all the fun we had in the video below.
As part of Scoil Mhuire's involvement as a digital school, use of tablets and Chromebooks is a scheduled part of the school curriculum. Children learn maths skills, phonics, literacy and safe navigation using the internet. Linking in with World Book Day, room 2 are having great fun being authors of their very own digital books. Check back with us here to see how we got on.
Really lovely photos x