
Showing posts from November, 2018

Making Butter

As you know November's theme is Food this month and we have been doing all things food related! Today we were talking about where our food comes from and we learnt that cows not only give us milk but that we get cream, butter and even ice cream from a cow! We also had a go at making our own butter which was a roaring success. 6th class even came in to help us. We learnt all about the science of introducing air to the cream making it thicken and then separate into the curd- the fatty part which we eat and the whey protein which is drained away. The best part by far was of course getting to taste the butter we made. We enjoyed crackers with our very own home made butter!

Planting Tulips

This week for SESE room 2 were learning all about plant life. Autumn is the season to get planting for the spring so to that end we got stuck and planted tulips in the school garden. John Kelly was very helpful showing the children how to plant the bulbs. Everyone had great fun getting their hands dirty! We will check on the tulips over the coming weeks and hopefully after Christmas will see the first shoots coming up out of the ground. Check back soon and see how we got on!

Fruit Tasting

We have had such a busy week this week learning all about food. Today, room 2 had lots of fun tasting different tropical fruits, talking about the taste and texture and learning all about how far these fruits have to travel to get to our local shops so that we can enjoy them.

A Trip to the Coffee Shop

We had great fun today at the coffee shop at Newlands Garden Centre. Infants made the trip to learn all about what goes on in the coffee shop so they could play 'Cafe' as part of their Aistear play! The staff at Newlands were fabulous and served hot chocolate with marshmallows in a cup and saucer no less! The children enjoyed eating giant Smarties cookies and looking around at the wonderful Christmas decorations all about the place. Thanks to the helpful staff at Newlands for hosting our visit and to Ms McKiernan, Ms Redmond and 4th year student Amy for coming along.