
Showing posts from February, 2019

Maths- making patterns

As part of our maths learning, junior infants have been learning all about pattern  this term. Three support teachers join us each day to allow us to break into smaller teaching groups to help the learning. The children get to work in small groups or get some one to one support to help them understand the concepts and get a better grasp of early maths. Check out some of room 2's work on pattern from this term.

100th day at School

We recently marked our 100th day of school here at Scoil Mhuire (Thursday 7th February) . The three junior infant classes had great fun out in the yard making the shape of 100 out of people! The boys and girls who have not missed one day of school since we started got a special certificate for 100 days of perfect attendance. Well done to all!


The girls from Ms Stewart's 6th class laid on a special treat for room 2 today. They are learning all about volcanoes and as part of completing their class project they invited the boys and girls from room 2 in to 'teach' them all about volcanoes. Room 2 even got to participate in a scientific experiment where they made their volcanoes erupt! Thanks you to Ms Stewart and to 6th class for including us in this very interesting and "explosive" project :-)

Junk Art- Aistear play

The blue table had lots of fun today creating their own designs using 'junk art'. Not only does this activity promote creativity but as you can see, the children are enhancing their oral language skills by explaining how their design works and what it is used for.  Check out the video below;